Window and doorway frame [m] | Spruce 100×25 (Material only, with Expensess) 11千葉市住宅供給公社_限度額表(R02) スプルース 100×25(材工、経費とも) $72.07
Stairs, vinyl floor sheeting (plain) [m2] | 2.5mm thick, woven fabric laminated NC (Material only, with Expensess) 11千葉市住宅供給公社_限度額表(R02) 厚2.5mm 織布積層 NC(材工、経費とも) $39.48
Removal of wooden fittings [location] | Single flush door frame 900×1800~2000 (Incl. Labor costs and Expenses) 11千葉市住宅供給公社_限度額表(R02) 片開きフラッシュ戸 枠共 幅 900×1800~2000(手間のみ、経費とも) $15.96
Chronology of Building Standard Law, Fire Defense Law, etc. Searches and displays details of amendments to existing nonconforming buildings, etc. $0