Quick Reference Table of Western and Japanese Calendar (Gen), Chinese Zodiac Signs (60 Zodiac Signs), Age, Year Built, Age of Tr

A quick reference table of the year, era name, zodiac sign, age, building age, tree age, etc.

Quick reference table of Western calendar, Japanese calendar (era name), zodiac signs (60 zodiac signs), age, year of construction, age of tree, etc.

Japanese PDF (1.9MB)

[How to use, etc.]

This is a quick reference table of Western calendar years and era names.
The zodiac signs are listed in sixty zodiac signs. The last kanji is Eto.
It is assumed that the year the building was built and the Japanese calendar written on the back of the stone monument, Dosojin, etc.
The "Age" column indicates the number of years that have passed, and is useful when you want to know the age, year of construction, age of tree, etc.
The Western calendar and era names are linked to Wikipedia.
The readings for the sixty zodiac signs are listed on the right side of the list along with the furigana, and there is a link to Wikipedia.
Xn and Yn outside the frame are codes that convey the position in the quick reference table. Yn has ruled lines in 10 year increments. It's been 100 years in a single vertical line. I think this will serve as a guide for knowing the length of each period.

If you have only the Western calendar in a book and want to understand the time series using the Japanese calendar, or if you want to know the Western calendar using only the Japanese calendar, you can print it out on paper and use it on a daily basis.

If you open the PDF in a browser, there will be a link to Wikipedia for the year and era name, so clicking on it will open the corresponding page. Return to the PDF using your browser's back button.

By saving the downloaded PDF on your smartphone, you can print it using a multi-copy machine at a convenience store.

When you read a newspaper on the commuter train, you can Z-fold it into quarters, like folding it, so you can read it continuously vertically. If you further Z-fold it, it will become the regular size.